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About SJSI

            A quarterly, multidisciplinary, online, paid, open-access, refereed electronic journal that
            publishes  distinguished  and  influential  research  papers  of  importance  in  various
            scientific fields (health, energy, environment, technology, economics, cultural and social
            sciences, ...), in addition to opinion articles and scientific analyses for recently published
            research and books, and prospective visions for science and its development in various
            fields, and highlights the most important innovations and recent patents, both locally
            and globally.

            Why publishing in the Syrian Journal for Science and Innovation?
            The Syrian Journal for Science and Innovation, published by the Higher Commission for
            Scientific Research, is:
                  A diversified interdisciplinary journal that gives the authors an opportunity through
                    which a large audience of readers becomes acquainted with their scientific and
                    research outputs.
                  It includes articles of opinions, perspectives, and comments on the most important
                    developments in the fields of science and innovation, locally and globally.
                  The journal has an editorial board of researchers and experts, well known for their
                    research achievements.
                  It  aims  to  disseminate  the  latest  information  and  data  to  a  wide  audience  of
                    academic readers, economists, businessmen, and decision-makers, this gives the
                    published research quick access to beneficiaries.
                  It follows a rigorous publishing policy that adheres to the criteria of transparency,
                    integrity, and ethics for scientific research.
                  The time for reviewing and acceptance or rejection of publication does not exceed
                    three months.

                      SJSI – 2023: VOLUME 1-1
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